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    jp's Tunic (PS5)

    [October 21, 2024 12:22:20 AM]
    This one's been a real joy so far. I've been trying to be very disciplined about not going out for help, guides, advice or anything. If anything I've been too disciplined because, when we talked about it in class, I learned that I should have been paying a lot more attention to the pages from the manual I've been finding. There was some important stuff there (like how to upgrade your health, etc.) that I did not know and it's made the game a lot harder as a result. Oops.

    So far I've really enjoyed how organic the discovery process has been and how it's not incredibly overwhelming - I've been able to loosely keep track of the things I've discovered and the things I have to return to. We'll see what happens when I play again, because I've had to take a break to get into another game...for class as well. So, what little muscle memory and skills I've developed, and what I know about the map and so might be forgotten.

    I've also found some weird unexplained stuff:

    a. A room which was "south" of an area inside a building/cave. The room has a circle of pedestals (sort of where you'd place a bust), all empty and all had the option to interact with, but nothing happened. What is this place and will I have to return? No idea.

    b. I've found three "shops" (I might have missed some). It's unclear to me if they're all the same shop in the sense of what's sold - I hope so, since it seems a bit annoying to have to visit them all just to see what they're selling. I hope the wares are the same.

    c. I figured out the greyscale-dimension teleporting, and I teleported off a pad the took me to a small square room with no apparent exits. The teleported square was green instead of yellow like the rest. I wasn't able to do anything, I just teleported back. But, I wonder what that place was!

    d. There are some hooks in areas that seem like I should be able to interact with. I'm guessing I still need to pick up an upgrade/ability/item to use them?

    So, I'm looking forward to playing more, but I'm worried the game will get too hard for me (combat and bosses). We'll see. It got a lot easier when I did the upgrades...
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    jp's Tunic (PS5)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 14 October, 2024

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