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    jp's Hades (PC)

    [December 12, 2024 09:55:59 PM]
    I'll admit that I was skeptical of Hades - not that it wasn't a good game, but rather that I would enjoy it. This is mostly because my current memory is that I played Bastion and Transistor and thought they were ok, but not "OMG this is the best thing ever" as sentiment at the time seemed to indicate. So, I thought that this time around, I'd have some fun perhaps but would ultimately be "meh" about Hades.

    And I was wrong. I mean, I started playing - very surprised that it sort of jumps right in with no tutorial or explanation - eventually died and wanted to jump right back in again. And, I've been doing that for a bit now.

    The game is definitely compelling in that way - you get random boons, you wonder how they work, how they combine with others, and off you go again. And, each time around there's some little detail that's new: a new character, some dialogue with an NPC, etc. so you feel like you're really making forward progress.

    So far I've gotten to the 3rd big area boss - haven't defeated yet..and things have started to turn. I'm starting to get a bit tired, almost bored...and the game feels a bit grindy. You have to go again and again to make very little progress in the meta... if I was a better player I might have won already - but I'm not. So, I'm sort of stuck grinding away.

    I'll turn god mode on - it gives you some defense against damage - and it gets better each time you die. (more grind?) We'll see how far I'm able to make it - I am curious to see the end. Definitely will not be doing the extra meta-game end stuff though...
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    jp's Hades (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 1 December, 2024

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