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    dkirschner's Ynglet (PC)

    [December 14, 2024 05:03:55 PM]
    Chill little arcade game that was an Amazon freebie. You control this creature, which reminds me of a long snake/dragon, and basically navigate it around each level with the aim of getting various pickups, including the one at the end that completes the level. The levels are 2d planes. You can move in any direction, but gravity pulls you downward when you are outside geometric shapes. Inside the shapes, you are unaffected by gravity. So, to move through the levels, you basically "jump" from shape to shape. There is a "dash" move, which helps you jump up or across long distances. There are other surfaces: the blue ones bounce you like trampolines unless you dash through them, while the orange ones bounce you only if you dash into them. It's pretty straightforward, and there are difficulty modes which, as it gets harder, reduces the frequency of safe shapes (and, I assume, either shrinks blue and orange surfaces or places more of them as obstacles). One neat thing is how Ynglet handles checkpoints. If you pause within any geometric shape and wait like 5 seconds, the game creates a checkpoint right there, and you begin there when you die. It was a really cool way to save, something between a manual save and an autosave. The main game is just over an hour long, and there are some extra "levels," which all feel like unfinished concepts. Simple, somewhat interesting game.
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    dkirschner's Ynglet (PC)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 13 December, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Friday 13 December, 2024

    dkirschner's opinion and rating for this game

    Chill little arcade game.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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