dkirschner's Monstrum (XBONE)
[January 15, 2025 02:06:52 PM]
Been playing this with Patrick, but we called it quits last night. I'd never heard of it when he pitched playing it. He likes to dig up old Xbox games. This one is from 2015 and is like a survival horror game. It's pretty basic and reminds me of several other games, but doesn't do any of its elements as good as they do.
The premise is that you're on a ship. Y'all have found something. Now the "something" y'all found (monsters, I guess) are killing everyone aboard. You need to escape. That is all. The story and setting reminded me of Still Wakes the Deep. There are three monsters, and you'll get one of them randomly each time you play. There seem to be a few randomized starting locations on the ship. So, you start, pick up a fuse and a flashlight (always in the first room), and head off wandering through the ship to find materials to get off board.
We found a life raft, a submarine, and a helicopter, but never got everything we needed to get any of them working. The monster always kills us before we get too far. All three monsters act the same, as far as we can tell. They regularly appear if you make noise (run, or a security camera spots you and sounds an alarm, slam doors). Usually you can hear them stomping around or breathing, but several times we turned a corner and there one was, quietly there to kill us.
The ship looks really dull, the environments are not interesting at all, I didn't find the gameplay to be much fun. The one thing that was fun was watching Patrick jump and scream when a monster would appear from nowhere and kill him. To Monstrum's credit, it produces some good jump scares and some tense moments before your inevitable death.
But these "hunter" monsters reminded me of the alien in Alien: Isolation. Not a fraction of the intelligence, so I never felt "stalked." I never felt that I could outwit the monsters. They are big dumb things that you avoid. And the "escape" goal reminded me of something like Friday the 13th, where you are trying to survive a rampaging Jason and find the keys and gasoline for a car so you can drive away. So, Monstrum is a hard pass, but it's got me wanting to revisit the games I've played that have some similar elements.
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dkirschner's Monstrum (XBONE)
Current Status: Stopped playing - Got Bored
GameLog started on: Tuesday 7 January, 2025
GameLog closed on: Tuesday 14 January, 2025 |
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