dkirschner's 60 Seconds! Reatomized (PC)
[January 27, 2025 03:30:06 PM]
Goodness, one more short one...
My students recommended this to me after I had them play Papers, Please last semester. Their rationale was that you have to make ethical decisions, but this game is completely lighthearted. Apparently it's an old browser game that they all played as kids, which got a Steam release in 2019. The premise is pretty funny. You play as either a mom or a dad, a nuclear bomb is falling on your town. You have 60 seconds to run around your house grabbing supplies and family members to put in your fallout shelter. Then, you have to survive in the shelter, or somehow get to safety, with whatever family and supplies you grabbed.
It's basically a choose-your-own adventure game heavily influenced by dice rolls. Each item is useful for various things. For example, your family members have to be fed and watered, so the cans of tomato soup and water bottles are crucial. The rifle can be used to defend from bandits or critters. The axe is also a weapon and can be used to shave. Checkers and cards are for entertainment, gifts, or trading. And so on. There are a bunch of random events that happen, from bandit attacks to finding a dog to the shelter becoming infested with mutant cockroaches to traders showing up on your doorstep. You often get to choose "yes" or "no" to resolve scenarios, and often have to have some specific item(s) to resolve them favorably too.
I played four times and never won. Everyone always ends up dying, though I got to 59 days once, which is a long time. And I feel like I was one or two steps away from getting rescued by the military, or moving to a friendly safe camp, or figuring out how to start a car. All these things require several random events to happen and be resolved, so it's just about if you're lucky enough to get them and have the necessary resources to resolve them. Your family members get thirsty and dehydrated, hungry and starve, tired and fatigued, sick, and they can go insane. You'll have to send them out to scavenge for supplies because you need more than what you take from your house, and they often come back from scavenging with various ailments. The art is pretty funny. As they are in the bunker longer and getting in worse and worse shape, they do start to look disheveled and crazy.
This was definitely amusing to play for a little while. I've got a couple others that my students were recommending based on Papers, Please too, so I'll need to check them out sometime.
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dkirschner's 60 Seconds! Reatomized (PC)
Current Status: Finished playing
GameLog started on: Monday 27 January, 2025
GameLog closed on: Monday 27 January, 2025 |
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