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    jp's Persona 5 Strikers (PS4)

    [February 18, 2025 11:58:55 AM]
    I've decided to bounce off this game - which is a weird thing to say. I haven't played it in a few weeks and I'm worried that I'll have forgotten everything about it. So, I'm sort of admitting to a bit of laziness. I don't feel up to remembering, learning, figuring things out in this game when, from the few hours I played, I wasn't terribly engaged or interested. It was pretty overwhelming and...fiddly. Like, I didn't understand what the point of a lot of it was. To be fair, I did not play Persona 5, and I'm guessing for people who are old hands at this series...they probably either slipped right in or bemoaned how much tutorializing there was and how annoying and so on. So, the game's creators are both damned if they do and damned if they don't...

    The game also seemed very overwhelming in action - I'm supposed to assign orders to teammates, see what they're doing, plan my own attacks and combos...and I felt like button mashing just seemed more efficient (and effective). Which isn't really a good sign, no? As in, it really deflates any interest in figuring out systems and attacks and all the rest.
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    [February 12, 2025 11:08:48 PM]
    You'd think I'd know better by now. But, this game has a LOT of reading to do. At least a lot of reading for me. I was expecting the game to be much more action-based, which I guess it is - but it's only action-based when you get to the action bits. And in between, at least as far as I've gotten...there's way more reading than action.

    I think I've only played a lot of Persona 4 Golden Somethingorother - the music game that was a spin-off? I'm not sure, it's late right now and I'm a bit tired. But, I think I did not play Persona 5, nor any other mainline entry. Isn't that weird? It's like I'm dancing around the series and just going for the spinoffs because I don't want to commit the time to really taking a bit out of the "big" titles.

    Anyways, this one is as stylish and slick in its presentation as I expected (I do read a fair amount, so I'm familiar with Persona 5 in at least the visuals!)...and obviously I don't know who the characters are or what's happened to them before and so on. There's lots of things implied and suggested that a regular series fan would know what was what. BUT, it does make sense enough for me to play and move along.

    The game takes place in Tokyo - at least the "daytime/real world" parts. And it's kind of neat because I vacationed there the year before last and so there's places I recognize! As for the gameplay bits - I'm not entirely convinced it all works - so far it seems super chaotic, there's lots to keep track of, but I'm mostly button-mashing and hoping for the best. That has resulted in times where I've TPKed...and not realized I was even in danger of that. I'm still unclear on whether this is a me problem or a game problem. More likely a me problem, but I might not be interested in learning what to pay attention to and so on...

    ...and yes, there's also a lot of reading, and moving around in 3rd person 3D environments that's really janky and awkard and...kind of disappointing! We'll see how much longer I play. I do think it was interesting that you can bail on missions - re-up/heal/etc. and then just go back in. This isn't a cheeze - because the game itself suggest/recommends/points it out as a thing you can and perhaps should do!
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    jp's Persona 5 Strikers (PS4)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Got frustrated

    GameLog started on: Thursday 12 December, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Tuesday 18 February, 2025

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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