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    jp's Yeah! You Want "Those Games", Right? So Here You Go! Now, Let's See You Clear Them! (PC)

    [February 15, 2025 06:42:49 PM]
    This is probably one of the longest game titles I've seen, and it doesn't even have a hyphen!

    I have no idea what the real story behind this game is, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn it started as an off-hand comment or joke made by someone in a bar, to a friend, after everyone has had a few too many drinks. Either that, or it was a game jam game that started as a joke.

    This game is basically a collection of many levels of different puzzle games. But, the puzzle games are all games on the mini-puzzles used by some f2p mobile game developers to market their games. Typically, the games being marketed bear no relation (thematically or gameplay-wise) to the puzzle shown in the ad. Sometimes the ad is playable - othertimes you just watch it play automatically - and often frustratingly because the playback is less efficient than you would be or it makes mistakes. (pin pulling puzzles are perhaps the most notorious?)

    So, is it fun? Fun enough - there's lots of levels, some are trickier than others, and the game's production values are...low. This is fine by me except when it takes too long to reload and stuff like that.
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    jp's Yeah! You Want "Those Games", Right? So Here You Go! Now, Let's See You Clear Them! (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 5 February, 2025

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