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    bdjones's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    [January 19, 2007 02:45:37 PM]
    My Second time around was significantly better than the first play. The newer style of Namco 3D fighters is a slower more timing based fighter than the fast paced 2D fighters I usually prefer. Soul Calibur does have many things to offer in terms of great game desgin. In terms of gameplay it is very challenging, at higher levels guarding, guardbreaking, and parrying become essential to even land a blow on your opponent. The difference weapons add even more challenge to the mix as some weapons either have huge bonuses sometimes coupled with disadvantages. The only inequality is that the utimate weapons have a huge advantage usually over most other weapons in terms of real damage to your opponent, thus a few guard crush attacks and you have your opponent down to a sliver of health. Nevertheless when playing against a human opponent you would obviously level the playing field.
    I did really enjoy the edit your own character feature exclusive to Soul Calibur 3, but it did seem very tedious. In all it is a better play the second time around when the learning curve isn't so steep, but the novelty of the namco 3D fighter has definitely become less and less over the years and years of playing Soul Calibur and Tekken.
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    [January 19, 2007 02:28:59 PM]
    Soul Calibur 3 at first was a little frustrating in terms of unlocking the extra features such as characters and weapons (In the Rpg like mini game used to unlock most of the features of the game). The actual fighting gameplay was a slight improvement over Soul Calibur 2 and Soul Calibur but nothing revolutionary. The only noticeable changes were the fluidity of gameplay, additional characters, and new storyline. I felt the gameplay was a little redundant typical of namco franchise fighting games such as Tekken where the only real difference in gameplay is graphic cutscences, Character animation, and speed of gameplay. One thing I completely did not like about Soul Calibur 3 is that the fighting actually felt a little slower than the original Soul Calibur game. Tekken 5 also is alot more slow than Tekken Tag and Tekken 3. I actually prefer the originals Soul Edge and Soul Calbur to the newer Soul Caliburs in terms of ease of play, and overall originality.

    This entry has been edited 2 times. It was last edited on Jan 19th, 2007 at 14:48:09.

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    bdjones's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 16 January, 2007

    bdjones's opinion and rating for this game

    Solid Gameplay, A variety of extra side quests, in addition to the original soul calibur gameplay.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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