bloodyxromance's Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
[January 28, 2007 06:01:48 PM]
Alright, zelda is amazing. I love zelda games, probably because they are all RPG style. I got stuck in the forest level today. It is a tricky level and i forgot how the pattern goes. I got the shooting the ghosts in the frames part. But i could not figure out how to get to the boss key, and i knew i was missing a ghost. Im glad i got the arrows though; they are a very useful tool. My friend helped me out in the temple. I almost died from the jumping hands. It was pretty lame of me to be so clumsy with that enemy.
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[January 22, 2007 03:27:25 PM]
This is the third time I have played Zelda Ocarina of Time. This time around, I am playing with a friend and we are switching at every temple. I do enjoy this game, but not as much as the windwaker and majora's mask. A lot of people say that ocarina is their favorite game, but it is mainly because they have not played the other two games for N64/gamecube. Ocarina has a "small" world, but it takes awhile to move from place to place. It is tedious at the beginning of the game when you have no horse (Epona). Tumbling and rolling around gets annoying, especially when Link keeps making his "HIYA!" "HAA!" sounds... I love RPG games and Zelda does meet good standards :]
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