sjgonzal's Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
[January 23, 2007 09:59:07 PM]
Now that ive played it a little more, my opinion of it has raised. The bosses are easy to kill, and the enemies in general are very diverse. I like how they've kept the Koopa bosses. Another good improvement is when you try to line up the different symbols at the bonus levels in the slot machine. The hammer suit isnt that hard to get used to, I mean come one, who doesn't like throwing hammers? The gameplay is still too slow for me however.
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[January 23, 2007 05:03:29 PM]
Perhaps I am spoiled by my knowledge of Super Mario Bros. 1 that I find SMB 3 more difficult, and not as fun. Not only that, the gameplay is much slower, due to the fact that the graphics are better. Everytime that I start klling a lot of Goomba, or run really fast, the screen starts tripping up for like half a second. You can see how once you sprout the racoon ears and tail, that it paved the way for Super Mario WOrld, which allows you to have the cape and fly. Also, I see how there is a map of how Mario progresses between each level, something also Super Mario World used to a much greater advantage. I don't know, it really does go to show you how amazing graphics alone don't help a game.
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