Txh0881's Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
[February 1, 2007 09:35:18 PM]
Okay. I'm officially fed up with this game. Even though there are a lot of things to do, something about it rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the violence. Maybe it is the fact that the game rewards felonies. Maybe it's all the rude characters. Whatever it is, I don't like it.
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[January 31, 2007 06:26:53 PM]
I checked out this game for a second time so that I could finish it (like I do with every game I ever try) and I was (for the most part) happy at what I saw... at first. I'm not happy about the violence, per se, but I did find a few good points. After playing for a bit, I finisher all the missions in Psudo-Los Angeles and I was taken by surprise by the plot twist. I was betrayed by my favorite character (I already forgot his name. I'm hopeless, I know) and was dumped in the middle of nowhere!
After a few hours of playing (part of which was spent filling out the new portion of the map) and playing a few more missions, I got to one where I had to steal a large piece of farm equipment for a hippy with issues. While I was driving it out, I accidentally ran over someone and, to my surprise, the machine spat out a mass of severed limbe from the back (where bundles of weath would normally come out). I did not have to see that!
Even with the unexpected plot twist (which scores a lot of points with me because I am good at predicting plots), the sheer level of violence in this game is disappointing.
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[January 23, 2007 05:58:56 PM]
As I was wandering around the city, I noticed a couple of famous L.A. locales. They included the Griffith Observatory, Pershing Square, the Santa Monica Boardwald (although it only had the Ferris Wheel), LAX and Union Station. Many of the area names are parodies of sections of L.A. too.
...I still think this game is too violent and maakes the cops look evil.
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[January 22, 2007 07:21:27 PM]
I heard a lot about this game, so I decided to try it. I must say, I have mixed opinions. The game itself is well designed with a lot of funny points and a lot of ground to explore, but I do not like the theme and i think that the characters are bad role models. The main character is a man in trouble with the law (which consists of crooked cops) and he has the ability to attack innocent people, stealing their cars and even killing them.
On a positive note, the talk radio station is funny.
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