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    Caligo's Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time (PS2)

    [January 24, 2007 04:03:27 AM]
    Prince of Persia - Sand of Time (Final Entry)

    Well, I beat the game. The ending was amazing but I don't want to spoil it for anyone. Suffice it to say the ending was worth the 7 and a half hours I put into beating the game, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys puzzles or gymnastics.
    There was only one puzzle that I couldn't really figured out and I only got past it by brute force logic (a.k.a. I tried every possible door).
    Also the final boss was extremely weak, and after spending so much time getting to him, I felt a little cheated when I beat him without using anything but my sword.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Jan 24th, 2007 at 04:04:25.

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    [January 24, 2007 12:01:33 AM]
    Prince of Persia - Sands of Time (Second Entry)
    As the game progresses, the puzzles become slightly more difficult, and the enemies are starting to get annoying. Before any enemy could be easily dispatched by jumping up and over it, and attacking from behind in the air, but now the creatures are larger and keep knocking me down when I attempt this stunt. But you unlock a new power that freezes every enemy in the room and you speed around slashing them to bits.
    The game is almost over and I must say while the story is keeping up a good pace, the game play is lacking. Nothing has changed from the first fight. Although I got a new sword that breaks through weak walls, I don't think I kill enemies any faster. Well I am about 85% through the game, (it tells you in the save/load data) so it makes sense that I am getting impatient with the lack of change. I think I'm going to try to finish it tonight.
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    [January 23, 2007 01:00:08 AM]
    Prince of Persia - Sands of Time (First entry)
    I started this game late last night, and I have already played for over 5 hours. Although the play is very linear, I enjoy the fighting style and 4 dimensional play. There is always only one path to take which can sometimes be very boring, but is also challenging when you find yourself turned around and it takes 5 minutes to find the next step in your path.
    The introduction was very well done and the graphics are amazing. The first task in the game is to find the dagger of time, well 'find' isn't exactly the best word since you can only go along one path. But it is still a nice introduction to the basics of the game play: Running along walls, doing amazing acrobatic stunts, and healing yourself after battles with water from fountains.
    Once you have the dagger, you have the ability to rewind time. This makes for very addicting "sessions," since each time you should have died you can come back, and you can refill the dagger by stabbing slain enemies. I am already trying to figure out how I can get my hands on the sequel.
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    Caligo's Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time (PS2)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 21 January, 2007

    GameLog closed on: Wednesday 24 January, 2007

    Caligo's opinion and rating for this game

    Short and sweet, It's nice to find a game that isn't full of secrets and side quests and doesn't take over my life for a week.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

    Related Links

    See Caligo's page

    See info on Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time

    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time (PS2) by crichton1701 (rating: 5)
    2 : Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time (PS2) by DDiZZiBBL (rating: 5)
    3 : Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time (PS2) by ETA (rating: 4)
    4 : Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time (PS2) by ETA (rating: 5)


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