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    Hatoshi's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    [January 30, 2007 06:44:04 PM]
    So this time I got a few people to play against me and it turns out I was better than I thought I was, though I wasn't the best obviously. As my title line says, this game can be won by a really good button masher. Many people who have never played before beat others who have played just by button mashing really fast. Even the slow characters seem unstoppable as someone button mashes and wins. However, choosing the right character is a huge decision in this game due to the fact that each character has a different weapon, strength, agility and most of all range.
    Usually, a character would give up strength for agility and range for agility as well. However there are some characters who have range and are fast which makes them somewhat cheap such as Raphael and again my favorite Kilik. I don't see any downside to these two characters so they are "noob" friendly. I also showed my friends the Chronicles of the Sword mode where it was like a strategy/fighting game where you would destroy buildings and then attack the people inside. The concept is really good though I could say that it got kind of tedious in the end. Especially since some of the voice acting was below average and the random game characters seemed well, random.
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    [January 28, 2007 06:24:46 PM]
    Soul Calibur III was a game that I was really looking forward to due to the create a character mode and the overall gameplay. I was hooked to Soul Calibur II and wanted number three to see how it would live up to number two. I have to say that the graphics are improved and the moves appear more flashy than before which is a good thing in my opinion. However, some of my favorite characters had their moves changed for the good and for the better. Kilik which is a "noob" favorite is my favorite and it seems like they made him a bit harder to use which is a good thing. Ivy with the extending sword is a bit more flashy this time, but again it is harder to activate the stretch.

    Another thing I noticed was the fact that the computer blocked way too much. It was mostly a "who can block the most" game in Tales of Souls mode which was basically the story mode for each character. This was ridiculous because the last few characters you had to beat would block almost 70% of the time. After playing this game a lot it taught me to block about 70% of the time as well which is a good thing I guess. This made me annoying when I was playing my friends as I would beat every one of them with my block strategy. More later...
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    Hatoshi's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 28 January, 2007

    Hatoshi's opinion and rating for this game

    Button mashing to victory!

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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