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    Jshibby7's mario 64 (N64)

    [January 30, 2007 05:20:51 PM]
    I have really been messing with the camera a lot to re get used to the different views. I think adjusting the camera as you go is important to the game play. This game is one of the first to let you explore in a 3-d way. I think the camera being able to turn adds a really unique touch to the game.
    I have noticed that the game stays true to the original. I think that is immensely important while creating games across platforms, do what got you there. Mario keeps the same characters even though the game play is so different it amazing to see that the story was still the same and the overall objective to stop bowser hadn't changed.
    All in all I think Mario is one of the most influential games of our times for many reasons and I think that it revolutionized role playing games.
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    [January 30, 2007 05:04:05 PM]
    The reason Mario 64 was such a huge hit is because it takes the old classic Mario games and transforms those into a three dimensional playing space.
    I think that the fact that Mario has so many different places to explore really are what makes the game. Not only is the actual game world loaded with a variety of places to go but the actual levels which there are many of have many different challenges to conquer. The similarity in levels is cool to because there is kind of the same tasks to a certain extent in each level. There are the 6 different star challenges on each level. There are clues to each one though and there is always a red coin star and a secret star, then usually a boss of some sort that gives you a star, and on most a race or something similar. Then two to three individual to each level.
    I am currently playing the first level which is cool because one is taught the different moves. What really sets this Mario at a whole new level than any role playing game before if is the three dimensional playing space and the different jumps and slides and crouches that are available. The triple jump and double jump which allow you to really get to spaces that are high and thought of as unreachable. Once one masters these jumps slides and crawls it makes the player capable of getting stars and secret places that look impossible if one was not able to use these moves.
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    Jshibby7's mario 64 (N64)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 30 January, 2007

    Jshibby7's opinion and rating for this game

    No comment, yet.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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