DCuster's Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
[January 31, 2007 12:47:10 PM]
I got through the first dungeon and talked to Princess Zelda. I haven't had much time to wander but I am beginning to remember how massive this world is. First of all there seems to be an infinite amount of side quests and what not. This game will never leave you bored because even if you don't feel like going on to the next dungeon you can go and find some other cool thing to do. Another thing I forgot was how massive the dungeons themselves were. After playing the original zelda where the first dungeon was maybe about 10 squares I was a little off guard to find a dungeon bigger than probably the last dungeon of the original. The monsters are also very unique with a little trick to beat them for each. The game also is real-time based meaning the sun sets and rises. This can get a little annoying but it adds a great element to the game and plus you never have to wait too long for the sun to come back up. Right now I'm really hoping I can keep playing this game because I forgot how fun it is.
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[January 31, 2007 12:26:22 AM]
It was so nice to finally get back to three dimensional worlds. The game started well with a pretty cool cut scene that helped show the new ability to play in three demensions that earlier consoles hadn't quite reached. Of course the going was a little slow at the beginning but luckily I had played this game before and knew where the sword and what not were. But I had forgotten how well the controls were used in this game. I don't think as a kid I ever took advantage of all the different things you can use to attack. So far there are about 3 or 4 different ways to attack with the sword. However sometimes the things they give you make the game easy. I'm sure that the game will get harder. I'm still spoiled though by being able to control the camera with another analog stick but you get pretty used to using the z and the up C buttons to change your camera view. The story so far is interesting but then again there are few zelda games that are lacking in story. Getting through the first few cut scenes is a little boring but atleast it is interesting to listen to.
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