tslee's Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
[January 31, 2007 01:23:23 PM]
After playing another hour of GTA- San Andreas, I came to realize that the different aspects of this game really are impressive. They have incorporated so many different types of gameplay into one game. You have to learn how to ride a bike, drive a car, shoot a gun, and even lift weights. The technique to lifting weights is alternating between pressing x and o, similar to those old olympic games that I used to play for playstation.
Some of these missions took my a very long time to complete. I probably spent 45 minutes just trying to complete the drive by mission without my car blowing up. Driving in this game was anything but easy. Just trying to get from one place to another, I probably ran over 25 people. It is easy to understand why this game is rated Mature.
After another hour of this game, I found myself stuck on the same mission that I had been on for 30 minutes. The difficulty of this game was very high for me, but that is probably because I have never played anything like this. Overall, this game was extremely grusome, violent, and some what racist..but, still intertaining.
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[January 31, 2007 12:24:42 AM]
Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas is a very interesting video game. It attempts to portray the life of a man who comes home to attend his mothers funeral, but winds up stuck in the middle of the gang activity that he left the neighborhood for in the first place. This game is extremely brutal, but has an interesting progressive story line.
There are a series of cut scenes in the beginning of the game to inform you on where you stand in this mans life. The graphics are decent for this console, but you can tell that the producers of this game were not going for the best graphics, just gameplay that is sure to make anyone cringe. The language and violence in this game is by far the most indecent that I have ever seen in a game. Some examples of missions are to "tag" enemy terretories, conduct drive-by shootings, and gain respect from your brother and old friends.
After beating up some crack dealers and heading to the gym to work on my physique, I had to take my buddies to a guy named Eddie to get some guns. This earned me some respect. The goals in this game are very violent and somewhat inappropriate, but are intertaining nonetheless. I will get back soon for my second half of the gamelog.
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