Thursday 18 January, 2018
My third session of Shadow of Mordor was a good time. I'm glad the game isn't linear, like other Lord of the Rings games I've played. Being able to explore and do side missions makes for a nice break from the main story. I like doing the captain missions, which offer a variety of different scenarios to do. The combat has gotten a little easy over time, especially with the different abilities I've unlocked. The introduction of new enemy types makes things interesting though, and keeps you on your toes. I've used the environment more to kill Uruks, which is a fun aspect. Before defeating a captain, I'll look into some intel and try to kill them with their weaknesses. This sometimes makes it a little easy, so it can be fun to go in knowing nothing as well. I plan on finishing the game and am still having lots of fun!
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Good job digging into the gameplay, but try to add in some commentary about the decisions you make in the game too. For instance, is there any time in the game where you had to make a decision and the gameplay reinforced the importance of that decision?
Wednesday 24 January, 2018 by zhardy