Thursday 11 January, 2007
Note: I am attempting to format this post with some coding to see if and how it works so I apologize beforehand if (when?) it comes out less-than-legible.
As I noted in the previous (perhaps overzealous) Neverwinter Log, I was going to fiddle with the level editor in the game for the follow-up.
Level Editor
In short, the editor is rather fantastic - speaking from a DM's point of view (that's Dungeon Master to the layman, which I believe is Klingon for King of Nerds). As a video game tool, restricted to the parameters of the Neverwinter's bastardized d20 system (as if it wasn't bad enough to begin with), it is only so strong as the engine, and generally weaker due to the human factor.
The interface is...daunting. In my mind, "daunting" is a good thing. No, I'll likely never exert enough effort to make use of every feature (or even nearly every feature - but the options are all there. It can allow for everything from basic map editing cut-and-paste to a complete retexturing of models and geography and likely a number of features I'd never think to seek. I restricted myself to an hour of fiddling and bear no fruit from that but an awe of the possibilities at reformatting nearly every aspect of the game for a custom campaign, from character design at the greater level to the fine details of creating fully customized classes and races (and additional possibilities are readily available online to expand the features.
In truth, I know I scarcely scratched the surface. I was infatuated with the number of menus and submenus and all sorts of pretty things that simultaneously infatuate and appall the ADHD and Obsessive Compulsive aspects of my personality. The interface takes some getting used to but I'd reckon the curve is a great deal less restrictive than the Unreal editor or Morrowind's editor - even if the features don't allow quite so many possibilities in the 2d level design (a flaw of the system, not the editor).
In light of the length of my previous posts and the attempt at formatting in this one, I am cutting this short as I go to fiddle some more with editor and hopefully generate something functional - even if only as a gaming aid for a tabletop roleplay session.
I am presentently looking for a roleplay group, by the way. < /plug>