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    AvantAveGarde's GameLog for Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma (PC)

    Tuesday 27 March, 2018

    After the voting result where everyone lives, we then go back to the timeline tree. I was able to unlock new scenarios for the C-team where we awaken in the infirmary. Zero appeared on the speaker system and congratulated us for our survival, and then shortly afterward he announced to us that we have all been poisoned. The masked figure tells us that the antidote is somewhere in the room we are currently at and that he wished us good luck at finding it.

    The game then switched to us searching around the room and solving various puzzles, the puzzles ranged from simple deductions to literal puzzles where we had to solve a Japanese 'Mame' box in which I simply looked up how to solve it. Here's where it gets interesting because the final puzzle was a test to the deduction capabilities of the player. The premise was that there are these nine boxes each labeled a, b, c... respectively. The antidote was in one of these boxes and we can only open one of them. To make it a solvable puzzle, we are allowed a sample of each of the antidote which would give us a hint before we succumbed to the poison.

    So what ended up happening with two teammates I had, Junpei and Akane, I took samples E, F, G, H and Junpei took C, D, G, and H while Akane took B, D, F, H.
    Akane found the hint in one of the samples she took before she promptly fainted. So it was up to us to figure out which of the samples is correct. By process of elimination, Carlos (me) and Junpei did not feel any effects, but Akane did. Which could only mean that B was the only option since she's the only one who tasted the B sample. Pretty cool puzzle in my opinion


    There seems to be a lot of commentary about choices in the game and the responsibility one has with so much power. This game may have a utilitarian framework, but there may be a better ethical framework to apply to this game.

    Thursday 5 April, 2018 by Lynn
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