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    jess's GameLog for World of Warcraft (PC)

    Thursday 11 January, 2007

    I guess I'll start with a background of the game. WoW, for those few that don't already know, is an MMORPG, and the most successful one of all time at that. Its success is due to great graphics and interface, and a constantly changing gaming experience, as well as incredible end-game content. It's based around a basic struggle between two forces, the alliance and the horde. I happen to be alliance just because a friend of mine rolled alliance first, but I think if I did it all over again I would play horde.
    I've been playing since release and I've just come to the bittersweet decision to quit. The expansion pack is coming out and its going to be an entirely different game, and I have spent too much of my life playing it already. I'm not going to list days played (it's a bit embarrassing), but suffice to say I am in one of the best guilds on my server and my priest is naxx-geared--and I have 3 other well geared 60 alts (warrior, mage, and druid).
    Anyway, I played a little today--my first time on in a month--and I decided to take my 38 paladin through Scarlet Monastery. That is one thing that Blizzard has done very well with World of Warcraft; there is a complex and very complete set of instances for levelling which allow the player to learn their class and obtain items that are very good for their respective levels. My group of 5 players (one from my guild, 3 "PUG," or "pick-up-group," people) was doing very well until we encountered one of the problems that an online game suffers--a server shutdown. We got a 15 minute warning and tried to get to the boss and kill her before the server went down, but we couldnt quite manage. Oh well, I have my triune amulet already. And I'm quitting...really.


    Which server do you Play on Jess, I have a friend named Jess on my server.

    Thursday 11 January, 2007 by Lüc
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