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    lexington.dath's GameLog for This is the Police (PC)

    Friday 24 August, 2018

    I had no expectations for 'this is the police'. I had never heard of it before the class. On loading it up i was pleasantly surprised to see a noir police drama. That's not really something I have played before, I've heard of a few but never sat down to play one. It was slow to start, but right off the bat was prepping you for moral quandaries. I didn't face too many of them yet, but after my first 90 minute I hit a big one, and it really set a precedent for how the rest of the game will play out I think. I am excited to see where it goes, but I am worried, because if my math is right, in those 90 minutes I have only made it 4% or so through the story! I don't have the kind of time its going to take to finish it! That said, I want to finish it, and so far it seems pretty good. As an artist I am compelled to mention that this game gas gone for a simplistic art style, but the deliberate choices in the aesthetic and atmosphere so far are really top notch at conveying the intended tone of the game.


    Good work Lex! Two particularly interesting topics you brought up in these gamelogs was that of how differently you reacted to NPC death in Crackdown vs. This is the Police as well as how you felt like your ethical code dwindled as the game progressed. This is a good start for potential material to explore with your OPA.

    P.S.: Don’t worry about spoilers. If a specific example helps make a point for what you’re writing just go for it.

    Wednesday 5 September, 2018 by cwesting
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