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    Serenaash's GameLog for Little Nightmares (PC)

    Wednesday 29 August, 2018

    When I played today, I had to stop at the scene where Six is kidnapped. She climbed into a cage to eat the food, and the janitor guy kidnapped her. It was wild, and scary. This part is very unethical, because this poor girl is being captured and tricked. She seems to be smart enough to know that it was a cage, but she was so overcome with hunger and just wanted to eat the food. As the player, I just saw food and didn't even notice it was a cage until she was eating and I couldn't control her. I just saw the food and was happy, as the girl was really hungry and it was hard to play the game. Similar to how it would be hard to carry on in real life, if I was starving. Additionally, the Janitor is very unethical in kidnapping the girl who is just hungry. When you are starving, crippling in pain, you will eat whatever you can find. This janitor took advantage of that to lure a child into a cage. This game is glorifying kidnapping and making this girl escape (I assume) from her expected death of being kidnapped and tortured.


    Good job addressing the ethical questions that the game made you think of while playing. You’ve got some good material here to form an ethical topic/question for the OPA, a lot of which revolves around how the game addresses the treatment of children.

    Wednesday 5 September, 2018 by cwesting
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