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    KalebHogan's GameLog for This is the Police (PC)

    Wednesday 29 August, 2018

    Today I played for about 40 minutes and didn’t face many different scenarios. A feminist organization was protesting and city hall requested that I use brute force with them. I refused because they did not give any evidence of violence from the protesters. City hall then decided to cut the number of officers I could have. This was also because I refused to fire all my black officers because of a racist group in town. Because I thought this was unethical I didn't do it. I was then requested to fake evidence on feminists because the district attorney is backing them. This was another uninteresting decision on a ethical standpoint. I refused their request.
    I was surprised in a new element of the game after two of my officers died in the line of duty. I was given the option to keep secret about the death of an officer and still receive the paycheck of the officer. The police department needs money and city hall has been cutting my budget and officers because I haven't done what they said. This made me want to lie, even though in the Kantian perspective lying is inherently wrong. But because city hall has been unethical it makes me feel like I can be unethical towards them. Ultimately I did not lie about the officers, truthfully because I was afraid of what would happen if I was caught, but ethically I knew it was wrong.
    Overall this game is showing how being unethical gives a person in society an edge above the rest. They do not have anything standing in their way. If I had played the game ignoring ethical dilemmas and looking at things as a numbers game then I’m sure I would be ahead. Is this game unethical for essentially promoting unethical behaviors.


    Great job Kaleb! You take an interesting approach to this game by purposely playing from the ethical frameworks of Kantianism and honor ethics and allowing this to dictate your decisions despite this not being the optimal “winning” strategy. This approach to the game as well as your critique of the game truly having ethical dilemmas could be good places to start for your OPA.

    Wednesday 5 September, 2018 by cwesting
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