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    deta5467's GameLog for Hitman (PS4)

    Thursday 30 August, 2018

    For this log on Hitman, I decided to move onto the second mission, Sapienza. Compared to Paris, this mission seemed more explorative, as the level itself was interwoven with an actual city, comprised of many civilians. Given its more open-ended nature, I decided to try it out.
    The backstory for this mission seems a bit more intriguing compared to that from Paris. Silvio Caruso and Francesca DeSantis are working on a virus that, when spread through some strange means, will attach to the DNA sequences of individuals, no matter where they are located. A disease can then be remotely initiated to infect and/or kill individuals. I have no idea how this works, nor what the targets’ motives are, but this is extremely devious, and as such, 47 is given the task of eliminating them.
    The mission’s default starting position is directly outside of the mansion in which operations for the virus are taking place. Although two guards stood in front of the entrance to the mansion, I was able to slip in by disguising as a flower delivery man, conveniently located to the left of the entrance. From there, I began a long process of following Silvio Caruso throughout his endeavors. Utilizing multiple save files on the patio of the building, I was able to take out Caruso’s two main bodyguards, as well as disguise myself as one, but unfortunately, I was not quick enough, and thereafter, he remained in a room filled to the brim with guards who could see through my disguise. Luckily, after this, Francesca moved from a supposed underground lair to the upper floors, and so, I targeted her next. On the upper floors, I used coins extensively to take out several bodyguards, and in the end, was able to eliminate Francesca and almost every security guard located in the upper floor.
    In relation to what was discussed in our last class session, this play session can be related to cultural pollution through its disguising mechanic. In the game, 47 can disguise himself to take on the role of a different persona, whether it be that of a fashion model, security guard, or housekeeper. Something interesting to note is that, upon disguising, 47 is perceived as an entirely different person to other individuals, despite retaining the same face structure and iconic “barcode” throughout. NPCs seem to only pay attention to the style of his clothes, rather than his actual face. As a housekeeper, he blends in because people focus on his maid outfit, not his face. This disguise triggers particular lines of dialogue that reinforce his looks, in the sense that NPCs treat him as a servant. From this, it can be inferred that cultural pollution is in effect when individuals have particular reactions to 47 in particular disguises, as he is immediately taken to be from another culture upon disguising.


    Great Job Shakti! A common theme throughout your gamelogs revolved around contextualizing the game’s objectives and feedback (point system) as well as Agent 47’s ethical outlook. This is a great start for potential material to explore with your OPA.

    Wednesday 5 September, 2018 by cwesting
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