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    lmsteining's GameLog for This is the Police (PC)

    Thursday 27 September, 2018

    During my time playing there were so many cut scenes. Jack has a new friend that they both share secrets with and I am getting the feeling that this relationship will affect his already fragile relation with his wife. Jack’s new friend opened up about a serious issue that made me feel so bad for her. She is trapped, and it is hard for her to get help. Luckily, she has Jack to talk to or else the situation could get worse. Also, a new serial killer has come to Freeburg and the civilians are going crazy. One day after word got out about the serial killer so many calls were coming in about how they saw the serial killer. I don’t blame the people because if word got out that a serial killer was near me I would be very freaked out too. The day to day police work has gotten very easy. Less police officers are skipping work and more recruits signed up, so I now almost have a full crew. However, the detective work has been so intense. Now that the serial killer is here more and more detectives must be used to catch him and at one point I had five investigations open. I slimed it down to three, so I don’t feel too overwhelmed, but I have been stuck on this one investigation for about 18 days now and I just want to finish this case. The game’s story has really opened up with a lot of different story lines happening. There is the serial killer investigation, the whole problem with Jack’s wife and hiring a private detective. Then there is Jack trying to keep his job and his relationship with his new friend. Also, the head mafia guy randomly called Jack, so I feel like that will turn into something. All these situations are pretty life change so it must be hard for Jack mentally. Jack must deal with all these problems and still command police officer’s day to day. I do not know if real life police chiefs must deal with all this but if they do that must be so hard on them and their families.


    Great job Luke! It sounds like one of your biggest struggles during your playthrough has been trying to maintain a full staff of officers; how did being short staffed change the types of decisions you made? How differently would you have played sections of the game if you’d had more officers?

    Monday 15 October, 2018 by Light
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