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    Duke of Darkness's GameLog for Four Last Things (PC)

    Thursday 27 September, 2018

    I played for about 40 minutes today. I was able to find how to commit the sin of lust, but that took me most of my play time. It took me forever to figure out that you can trade your crappy painting of the lady with the legit painting of the lady in the art gallery. After that, things were pretty straight forward. I brought the painting to the poet, and He made a sexy poem. You steal the sexy poem after he finishes, and it was fairly obvious what to do with that. I wooed the lady through the window and accomplished the sin of lust. The ending of the game was very interesting. I went back to the church and I was allowed in to confess. You pass a beggar that you can give stuff to. I gave her everything and got an achievement for it. After confession you are on a cliff with a crowd behind you, and the 2 bishops from the beginning keeping you on this plank, that is hanging off the cliff. They say you must take the leap of faith in order to be truly forgiven. After you are forced to jump, you end up in hell. So after all this work to be "forgiven", you still end up in hell to suffer for all your wrong doing. Therefore, the game is framed as if it is utilitarian, but it is really kantian in the end. An entertaining game with an interesting play on morality and christianity.


    Good job Jordan! You do a good job of covering what happened in your game, but I think you could do more to reflect on that gameplay. How did the “clash” of modern humor with renaissance artwork affect your experience? How did the whimsical and humorous tone affect how you played the game? How differently would you have played the game if it made you feel like you were trying to get to hell by doing horrible things instead of the quirky, backwards redemption quest it portrayed itself as?

    Monday 15 October, 2018 by Light
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