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    FirstNameBasis's GameLog for Kameo (360)

    Thursday 11 January, 2007

    Hi again, well I started to play Kameo again after taking a little break to reflect on my first playing experience. While playing this time I realiezed how actually detailed the surroundings in this game are, all without the annoyance of having load time or choppy frames per second. After acquiring my new character Snare from the last time playing, I noticed that i only needed to acquire one more character to have all the transformations at my disposal. So I proceded to head to the black marsh as my talking wotnot book at recommended doing. When I got to the town I realized that everyone looked to be from the same family as my character snare. While being snare I was able to ask people advic on where to go and what to do, if I would happen to be another character they would dismiss me and tell me to leave. I thought this was an interesting tactic which made you feel like you had to belong to the town before they would help you on your travels. After going around the town and doing favors for people I was led in the direction the forrest in order to find my last transformaion. Right when I got outside I realized a huge battle going on involving catapults, dragons, and a massive amount of soldier. After dying a couple times and trying different strategies I realized this was a good place to leave off so that I could back to an awesome part when I ressume playing.

    -=First Name Basis=-


    An alright game log.

    This has alot of detail about the game's progression and not to much about your experiences with it. You very quickly touched on how you felt when the Snare-people (for lack of a better term) rejected you when you were not like them. What do you think about these kind of interesting touches to games? Dive more into how the game works to create the entire experience.

    Tuesday 16 January, 2007 by TrappedVector
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