Friday 28 September, 2018
Played Hitman again for the third and last gamelog. Although I heavily enjoyed the game and will keep playing it, i'm not seeing any sort of outward themes of morality presented so far. It exists, but I feel like it only exists in the premise of the story and the game's narrative doesn't make it a focus. I will say that I believe i'm speaking too early as I haven't completed episode 1 of the game yet. I've mostly spent time replaying missions to try out new methods of taking out the target rather than explore the story.
With that said, I did notice something peculiar that might be of note for the upcoming essay assignment. My dad watched me play a bit of the game and it was interesting to see his reaction to the game compared to me. My dad doesn't play a whole lot of video games that aren't sports related so he seemed surprised that a game existed where you play as an emotionless assassin killing people and the game encourages this by giving lots of openness to the player to perform it. I don't think much of it since i've grown up with games like Grand Theft Auto so I thought it was a fun thing of note.