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    Fresh Mex's GameLog for Hitman (Complete First Season) (PC)

    Thursday 8 November, 2018

    The mission I played today involved killing two extremely sketchy fashion icons in Paris. The idea was to kill the two using any means necessary, but I much prefer being a ghost in stealth games. I ended up stalking one of my targets to a bridge above the Saine before snapping his neck and pushing him in, and then poisoning the other's champagne, all while looking far too fabulous for the slab of wood and brick that Agent 47 is. The level was actually very enjoyable, and much more so than the first few.

    As far as ethics go, the only ethical dilemma I'm even seeing is 'killing people is bad' and that doesn't really matter because that's all you do in the game, and 47 doesn't seem bothered by it considering that he's an ASSASSIN.


    In regards to your comments in the last game log about Agent 47 not being bothered by killing because he’s an assassin could be something to potentially look further into. Some questions that came to my head while reading: How can repeated exposure to an unethical act desensitize someone to it? Is someone is killing for a designated purpose or for a cause of some sort does that change the ethics of those killings? You may also want to look at the different ways that the player can approach the missions and see if that has any ethical relevance to it.

    Wednesday 14 November, 2018 by cwesting
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