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    Lanre's GameLog for Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)

    Thursday 11 January, 2007

    After another hour of playing DotA on Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne, I tried to look for the cons of the game. One con of DotA falls of how its not very excellent in terms of the graphics and visuals of the game. However like some games such as Pong, complex 3d models aren't necessary to make a game successful to an audience. The gameplay outshadows the mediocre graphics of the game.
    One thing I would change about the game would to prevent the backdoor cheat of the game. Although every game has cheats and glitches, people who use the online version of DotA tend to use the backdoor cheat to win the game. Having the game fair for all players make the game more fun for me and I usually play with people I know just to make sure I'm always having fun.
    All in all, the cons of DotA can be simply disregarded due to the gameplay and possible outcomes of the game. Being my first computer game I've invested time in playing, I can say I'm completely satisfied with this game.


    I wouldn't go as far as to call backdooring a "cheat" in the game of DoTa as it is stated in the league rules (press F9 in game) that backdooring is legal unless someone like Furion teleports into enemey base without having creeps actually being present in the enemy base.

    I think you should spent more time playing the game and learn to counter backdooring before you come to such assumptions again next time.


    Friday 12 January, 2007 by DoTaPrO

    ye also usually backdoring is more of a late game thing andit is mostly imposible to do at the base unless the other team has no idea what they are doing, an attack on base unless you are somehow invinsible usually leads to death of the person attempting it and as for towers, well later in the game the front towers are usually gone already so it rarly matters and if there is one tower left well than go ahead and try bafckdoring it to have a few people use boots of travedl to the tower and gank you. these are just some of my observations on backdooring.

    Tuesday 16 January, 2007 by alon
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