Friday 12 January, 2007
You can only take so much drumming before your hands get tired. The game unfortunately only has a limited amount of song choices and after a good solid two hours of game play I know the words to about half of the available songs. On a happier point additional songs can be unlocked as one clears certain stages at certain difficulty levels. Additionally there was a myriad choice of mini games optional, which I did not explore, bent as I was on getting all the damn songs I possibly could before exhaustion overtook my bad self. The graphics didn’t wear thin luckily, though that could be attributed to the fact that the only thing the players eyes can focus on while playing is the tiny markings passing on the screen indicating a drum beat required. One other down-fall of this game (which I love despite its apparently short lifespan) is that it is a noisy game- there is no playing this at 2 in the morning without waking up the housemates, and maybe the people downstairs.
Despite my critique it is a lovely casual game, obviously intended for group use and enjoyment. Personally its one of those games I'll leave on when I host my next party. Translation: it rocks even when you’re wasted.
Note: platform= PS2