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    Lanre's GameLog for Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)

    Friday 12 January, 2007

    After another hour of playing DotA on Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne, I tried to look for the cons of the game. One con of DotA falls of how its not very excellent in terms of the graphics and visuals of the game. However like some games such as Pong, complex 3d models aren't necessary to make a game successful to an audience. The gameplay outshadows the mediocre graphics of the game.

    One thing I would change about the game would to prevent the backdoor cheat of the game. Although every game has cheats and glitches, people who use the online version of DotA tend to use the backdoor cheat to win the game. Having the game fair for all players make the game more fun for me and I usually play with people I know just to make sure I'm always having fun. Although it's not really techinically considering cheating, I would change the ability of being able to backdoor I had the chance.The game I play with my friend Taylor ended of being five players on my team against two players on the opponents team due to three leavers. The game was pretty much won until one of the players on the opposing team backdoored and was able to turn the tide of the game.

    All in all, the cons of DotA can be simply disregarded due to the gameplay and possible outcomes of the game. Being my first computer game I've invested time in playing, I can say I'm completely satisfied with this game.


    A good game log.

    First off, you're lucky I know what "backdoor"-ing is in DotA terms. It's always to go define terms that the general public might not know. At any rate, I like the way you set this log up, one log on the pro and another on the cons. I would like to read more about the dynamic game play that is created during one of these games. Something to think about: In a game with a very simple goal, how does the random variants from different player heroes, skills, and items affect each game that you play?

    Tuesday 16 January, 2007 by TrappedVector
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