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    blackmamba's GameLog for Tony Hawks Project 8 (360)

    Saturday 13 January, 2007

    After playing this game a while longer I realized I forgot to talk about some of the new special tricks you can do. There is a thing called nail the trick that slows down time and concentrates on yoyur feet and the board. In this mode you can do flip tricks by moving the two joysticks different directions and timing the movements when the board grip tape is up or the trucks are up and then yo uhave to let go and land it when the grip tape is back up. This is a way to rack up a lot of points at the end of a big combo which is always nice to do. You can do nail the trick when you push in both joysticks. You can also slow down time to get better balance or land your tricks better by pressing in the left joystick when the special meter is up. It is a nice way to get lots of points because you can keep your balance really easily and watch your landings. As always it is good to do the special tricks which require more button combinations.

    After playing this game for this long I realize how fun it is and I will play some more after I am done with this.


    You need to write more analysis of the game design rather than just gameplay descriptions. What makes the game compelling? What would you do differently?

    Monday 15 January, 2007 by TyrannicalOverlord
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