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    Lüc's GameLog for Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (Arcade)

    Tuesday 16 January, 2007

    In response to Jade's comments, I watched Shingetsutan Tsukihime too, and while it wasn't one of my favorite animes, I really love the story, I just think the anime did a sub-par job of going into detail.

    In Act Cadenza, the combos that could be pulled off were insane. I could only pull off a 37 hit as my best, but that was not including a special move that hits for 20+ times, it was from various moves just chained together. I have seen up to a 68 hit be pulled off before, but the person getting attacked was new to the game, so I'm not sure it really counts. I can pull off 30+ combos fairly easily, but it also depends on who I am facing.

    In actuality, it is not extremely difficult to get out of combos. If you press attack buttons quick enough while in midair, you can recover in the air, and proceed to attack or defend as you see fit.

    Personally, I really enjoy large combos like that, so long as it is possible to get out of them. I have seen games where a single hit can lead to a neverending combo and you can do nothing to get out of it, ergo you lose. Extended combos can make or break the game, depending on your own personal opinion. Again, those combos are a double-edged sword. They are fun to use, terrible to get caught in.

    Akiha is my personal favorite character, both in the show and in the game. I really liked Warakia and Shiki Nanaya, but I'm not as good with them as I am with Akiha. She is creepy, but is actually a "good" character. Overall, Once again, I highly recommend picking this game up if you can.


    Glad to see someone plays this game. I thought I was the only person lol. Tohno Shiki/Kohaku ftw. I tried Red Akiha, but I didn't have the time to get as good with her as I was with Shiki/Kohaku, as it was kinda an afterthought. Definitely fun to play as her though. Really pisses my friends off. Though they can't play worth a damn lol. I beat one of them with just directional movement and the A button. I don't get much serious competition. :(

    Thursday 18 January, 2007 by GameKyuubi
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