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    cs_california's GameLog for Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour (PC)

    Wednesday 17 January, 2007

    Compared to other Command & Conquer games this has a different type of gameplay compaired to the earlier Command & Conquer games made by Westwood Studios. It seems like Electronics Arts copied Blizzard Entertainment's Starcraft or Warcraft III. But unlike Starcraft, there are no limits to units, the upgrades build faster, and the Superweapons are much stronger. There is also the concept of an self sufficient economy after a certain point of the game the player has the technology to support his economy with his own buildings instead of collecting minerals, like in the past rts games. Unlike previous games of C&C, EA has removed the construction yard and the famous FMV's before the missions. Electronic arts has eliminated the damage probability aspects of the game causing the use of indiviual units strategically almost useless. Furthermore, the storyline is very simple and there is a poor conflict. Some of the games concepts are also fictious to real life such as China does not use red guards but use PLA soldiers. The infantry is also not as diverse since every team has rocket soldiers and gunners. The game should have more better FMVs and cutscenes. You should also be able to skip them. The cutscenes can't be skiped and you must sit through them every time you restart. The game exhibits complexity in the sense that you have to defend your base and keep up an stable economy while eliminating the opposing force. The storyline is short and easily explainable and not that entertaining. EALA also eliminated the role of characters in the game making the story very vague and simple. Over the gameplay is Fun. The missions pretty much write the story.


    Accidently left it on opinions section

    Wednesday 17 January, 2007 by cs_california
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