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    Eve's GameLog for Counter Strike: Source (PC)

    Thursday 18 January, 2007

    All girls that play video games are either fat or freaks. So which are you?
    -Quote on 1/18/2007 from a player in Counter Strike: Source.

    It's hard being a girl in a male dominated game. Alright, it's not that hard, but at times it can be trying. I find myself constantly trying to prove that I'm female when people refuse to believe me. I've been asked to spray my picture, talk into my microphone, appear in Vent or TeamSpeak to validate my claim, and a number of other things to "prove my girlyness."

    I've never sprayed my picture in any server and the in-game microphone usually doesn't do me any justice (I've been told I sound like a 10-year-old boy). But my favorite all time question is, "You're a girl and you play Counter Strike?" to which I reply "yes, I am," then certain people are so BOLD to say to me "What's WRONG with you?".... implying that normal, everyday girls are somehow incapable of being good at something that men have dominated for long enough. Girls, it's about time for a revolution. And much to certain people's chagrin, that revolution is happening right under their noses.

    The statement and question at the top of this entry was directed at me today and quite frankly I was appalled. I hope he is pleasantly surprised one day when he realizes that I am neither fat nor freaky. I speak for women everywhere that play games when I say that our day has come, and we will sieze it to end this gross stereotype that can ruin a perfectly good gaming day. I will take that offense in stride as I try to erase this negative image of women in the gaming world. One day, when I can look back on these years and the years to come, and see just as many women as men in the gaming community, I will close my eyes, fold my hands behind my head, and say "I told you so" into the digital world that is cruel, unforgiving, and also my beloved home.


    as a fellow girl who plays video games and is neither fat nor freaky...

    you rock.

    Wednesday 31 January, 2007 by rubixcubed
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