Friday 19 January, 2007
The next session of Mario Bros. 3 was even more frustrating as the first session. I still have the same problems with the second level, and still have yet to pass it. This game really pissed me off and made me so mad that I felt the urge to hit something everytime I died. It was pretty bad.
I tried countless times to make the jump from the third pipe to the land but still could not figure out how it was to be done because simply jumping across was not working at all. I guess there must be some special technique or action but I just do not know what it is.
I don't think I've ever been more frustrated with a level in a game before playing Mario Bros. 3. My frustration just caused me to rush through the level to attempt the jump again and again and each time I died, I became even angrier. My anger than just caused me to make dumb mistakes like bumping in turtles, falling off small cliffs, etc.
If anyone knows how to make it past that third pipe, please let me know and maybe I'll give this game a second chance.