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    Caligo's GameLog for Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time (PS2)

    Wednesday 24 January, 2007

    Prince of Persia - Sands of Time (Second Entry)
    As the game progresses, the puzzles become slightly more difficult, and the enemies are starting to get annoying. Before any enemy could be easily dispatched by jumping up and over it, and attacking from behind in the air, but now the creatures are larger and keep knocking me down when I attempt this stunt. But you unlock a new power that freezes every enemy in the room and you speed around slashing them to bits.
    The game is almost over and I must say while the story is keeping up a good pace, the game play is lacking. Nothing has changed from the first fight. Although I got a new sword that breaks through weak walls, I don't think I kill enemies any faster. Well I am about 85% through the game, (it tells you in the save/load data) so it makes sense that I am getting impatient with the lack of change. I think I'm going to try to finish it tonight.


    The sequel (Warrior Within) is lackluster at best - you still get some of the platformer play that makes PoP fun, but it's much more combat focused and tries to be more 'mature' than the original. The persian music is replaced by hard rock and screaming. The lovable prince is replaced by a Wolverine clone. The villain is a gigantic pair of breasts in a chainmail bikini, apparently hoping that 14-year-olds will buy the game and play one-handed.

    That said, the game is a trilogy and the 3rd is much more like the original. It openly mocks the second game and tells a much better story - overall, it's my favorite of the three.


    Wednesday 24 January, 2007 by Squidget
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