Wednesday 31 January, 2007
GTA San Andreas is one of my favorite games that I have ever played for a couple reasons. The first reason is that sometimes when I am just really bored or sick or hungover, GTA is a good game to play because you don't always have to be doing a mission or trying to gain anything at all, its fun to just drive around, get into fights with cops, and just be an overall jerk in a California like setting. You can do things in that game that you would never do in real life, and its ok because its not real. However, another reason why I like the game is because of the exact opposite. When you do have time or drive to sit down and play the game it is really fun trying to gain missions and respect and other objectives. You can really see the progress you've made after two hours of play time. Its a classic game on a fun console. I love the radio stations you can choose from when you are in a car, they are funny and well thought out. The racial stereotypes are funny, while not PC, I still think its very funny and it pokes fun at all of them. Its just an overall entertaining game that should not be taken seriously.