Wednesday 7 February, 2007
Mad Monster Mansion ho! I actually remembered this level being more...I don't know, annoying or complicated or something. But it was quite enjoyable this time.
Pumpkin transformation? Yes yes yes. So cute. Bouncing along. Only annoying thing about all the transformations is that you can't attack, except for the crocodile. ...And the washing machine. I think. I should turn into the washing machine.
The triumphant "YOU FOUND AN EGG!" fanfare music still plays every time I enter the area where an SNS item once was. It's kind of sad, because I get all excited and there's nothing there. Looks like Rare never bothered to program in that the music should turn off if there's nothing there.
My roommate has been watching me play every now and then over the past week. She says, "I like your game. It has funny sound effects and good music." She was imiating Kazooie's noises while I played.
I also set up everything I need to make it to Rusty Bucket Bay. (And that level I know I don't like.) Which was annoying in of itself. I couldn't remember what I had to do or where to go, so I ran around Grunty's Lair for a stupid amount of time.
Of course, I can't help compare B-K to Mario 64, since both were really amazing and somewhat similar N64 platformers. I hated in Mario 64 that you could only go after one star at a time, because after you got one, you were expelled from the level. At least in Banjo-Kazooie you can go after everything in the level in one shot.
But I really dislike the fact that the notes you get in a level only count for that life or that run through the level. I don't like having to re-collect them all if I die or decide to stop playing. I played Rusty Bucket Bay for about five minutes and I accidentally fell into a bottomless abyss. When Banjo and Kazooie respawned at the exit pad, Bottles announced, "Wow! Your high score for this level is 5 notes!" Bottles, don't be a smartass.