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    ShafteD's GameLog for Counter Strike: Source (PC)

    Friday 9 February, 2007

    CS is designed to accomodate different playing tactics. Depending on the gun, map, and skill level of the player, a variety of tactics can be used. In the most played map "de_dust2", a player can choose several inital routes with different gun options. Flashbang and frag grenades also compliment any tactic. A player can rush the bomsite with a light-weight, low-power gun and hope that his agility can out-maneuver an enemy, or he can buy the heavy, 100 bullet clip machine gun and power his way through.
    One of my favorite things to do in CS is play for what I call "style". By style I mean by playing the game most people don't; that is, use unfavored guns and kill enemies using odd methods. For example, most players use rifles because they are the most powerful, accurate guns at all ranges. I prefer the less-favored TMP, Mac-10, or pump shotgun and aim only for the head. A headshot is an instant kill in most cases, and it always feels good when you blow an enemy's head off point blank with a pump shotgun, and watch their body fly five feet back :). Another tactic is to damage a player to low health, quickly blind them with a flash grenade, then drop a frag grenade at their feet, rush them, and have both you and your enemy die from the grenade. Always a fun one.
    CS is well-designed to play many diffeerent tactics. That is what is amazing about the game, that and its simplicity to play.


    lol why rush them if they're too blind to see the frag grenade?

    Friday 9 February, 2007 by Zinn

    you're missing the point of my "style" ;). there is no need to rush them, but i do it anyway, because it makes for a harder kill, and i kill myself at the same time. beautiful. another good one is to flash a guy and walk up to him (you arent blind). have another FB cocked back, and once the enemy shows signs of vision, flash again. then shank his ass. again, no need for a double blind, but thats how i play -- outside the box i guess you can say.

    Friday 9 February, 2007 by ShafteD
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