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    alon's GameLog for Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)

    Friday 9 February, 2007

    DotA DMAREM is the custom map I played again. (game log 2 for assignment)
    Why do I play DotA? This time I am actually wondering this. DotA has no rules about behavior that must be followed. The problems in the game are often leavers, people who do not stay in the game and leave for their own reasons in mid game thus ruining the game for everyone. This has happened to me in the previous game. Lamers are the assholes that act like little kids cuss and talk excessively much shit; they are very annoying and sadly, other than banning them when one is found nothing can be done. The previous game I played had a lamer. Noobs are also a problem that is somewhat unavoidable. When a person comes in and dies repeatedly completely giving the other team the game it is annoying. It also ruins game play for the more experienced players. There are often special games for noobs only, which are also sadly ruined by more experienced players who come and annihilate everyone. Next problem that may arise is an “AFKer”. He is a person that simply leaves the computer for an undetermined period of time that is long, going to the bathroom is ok, while going out to dinner is usually not. This is actually sometimes worse than the leaver is because you do not get extra gold income nor can you use his items. A good sportsmanship rule is to let people share control of your hero so that they can use your items while you are away and your hero. All of the above are very common problems that often ruin a game completely for me. Luckily, I am an optimist and I understand that from a design perspective it is impossible to do anything.
    Many of these problems are existant in all online gamings and i just wish that gamers would follow sportsmanship rules more often and not leav/afk/feed(die giving other team exp and gold) on purpose or too many times.


    I'd like to see more detail about the map itself as a game. How does the dynamic and content of DotA DMAREM differ from Frozen Throne? How are they the same, i.e. what aspects of the engine that are unchangeable add or detract from the experience? Would you prefer DotA to be a full seperate game, or does is it's integration to WC3 more ideal?

    Saturday 10 February, 2007 by Jade
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