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    sjchen's GameLog for Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)

    Friday 9 February, 2007

    For my second session playing the DOTA custom map on Warcraft III, I choose yet again to play in a 5 v 5 ar setting. This time however, the game started out much less smoothly, as a player was disconnected after the game was started. So on that note, that game was quickly disbanded. My next attempt in joining a new 5 v 5 ar game proved more sucessful. The character I received this time was the Lich King. As an intelligiance hero, the Lich specializes in casting spells. However, the Lich excells in the early game with his ice spells that are used as nukes on enemies. Coupled with his ability to sacrifice an ally creep unit to regain mana quickly, the Lich is really easy to abuse early on while the enemy heros are vulnerable in their low levels. The Lich's sacrificial ability also serves as a dual purpose in denying the opposing heros in your lane precious experience early on. Needless to say, I was off to a quick start in using the Lich's nukes to harass enemy heros in my lane. I managed to get two kills when I reached level 6, through Lich's mass nuke. Ultimately, the Lich's role in a team is to slow down the opposing heros in gaining experience and money as the Lich is much weaker compared to other heros in the late game. Yet again my team was rather compentent at this map, and with my character at level 14, my team as a collective group pushed the center lane and took out enough of the enemy's base (front tower and two barracks) for the opposing team to concede. At that point, the opposing team was too far behind to have any real chance in coming back. Ultimately, beyond operating your own hero correctly, DOTA is a game that requires team cooperation in order to suceed.


    I'd like to see more detail on specific game elements and how you you felt they effected the experience, also ideas on how you would have done things differently.

    Sunday 11 February, 2007 by Jade
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