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    neoyaku2's GameLog for Chibi-Robo (GC)

    Sunday 27 May, 2007

    Chibi-Robo.. is one of my favorite games.

    I don't know if the game will have any replay value after I beat it.. but I this first time through is absolutely entertaining... I have never been engaged in such a nice neat little story as this one.

    And unlike most games, I still haven't figured out exactly what triggers what event... Everything progresses at a believable, steady pace... As long as you do something, something else is bound to happen... There were some days (in-game) where I would just explore a single room, searching every nook and cranny of the space, and stumble upon a new toy. You'd talk to it, you'd hear its story, then become motivated in seeing the story you do what the toy asks of you (i.e... get the princess from the castle, by returning her red shoe). Somehow the story will fuse with another toy's story.. and before you know it, you're caught in this new saga...

    I love the structure of the game so much.. leisurely, and at your pace... though this does make the game feel longer than it actually is... I have only been playing for 10 hours (total) but I could've sworn that I played it for at least 4 weeks.

    Good stuff...

    Chibi-Robo in Smash Bros. Brawl PLEASE!


    I was talking to someone the other day who asked me what the ideal "length" of a game was. The obvious answer is "Just as long as is necessary to keep you interested". In other words, once you're aware of how long the game is, there's probably something wrong (either too long or too short). But those games for which you can't really give an honest answer...those are the best. Especially when you play them for longer than you think.

    Monday 20 August, 2007 by jp
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