Tuesday 17 July, 2007
Long time no see, eh? Today's coverage is on Banana Blitz. I had one major problem that, if not an issue would have made this a good game: the camera. You're a monkey in a ball rolling around platforms. The camera follows your backside the entire time, whether you want it to or not. There's only one angle, up close to your backside. It's really annoying because it makes movement very awkward which is bad because the moving camera could contradict the direction you want to go in. Another issue I had in the game involved the play and story structure. There is one story in which you must find some golden banana bunch pieces but getting each piece is a run through of the game with the same staff credits after each boss. Also, through each run through after you pass a stage, you can't go back to it to try to improve your score. I always like to go through a stage after I passed it once to try to get every little thing that was left but it wasn't possible in this game which left me a little disappointed. Overall, so far, I'm kind of glad I only rented this game.