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    neoyaku2's GameLog for Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    Saturday 5 January, 2008

    Let me just say:
    This is the FIRST Mario game that I have REALLY played, and is the FIRST Mario game that I have BEATEN.

    Yes it's true. You could say that this is my FIRST Mario game.

    I am sorry, but Mario and Mario games hadn't appealed to me until Galaxy; I am mainly intrigued by Fighting Games, SHUMPS, Beat-em-Ups, Conceptual Games, Artistic Games, Games-with-Interesting-Control-Schemes, and Puzzle Games.

    Mario didn't fall into any of those categories, nor did Zelda until Wind Waker ((Artistically/Visually Stimulating), and Phantom Hourglass(Artistic, and interesting control scheme)... both are still on my TO-DO list).. but finally, I was intrigued with a Mario game.

    GALAXY. That word, in and of itself, is intriguing to me... It exudes Limitless-ness. Infinities. No-boundaries. Those are things I like to hear, and associate with Games...

    Previously, I could only think of Mario as the definitive level-progressing platformer with Fire Level, Ice Level, Dark Level, Desert Level, and some nice (and DISTINCT!) music to boot. That was all for me. But the moment that I saw a screen shot of a GALAXY level, comprised totally of spheres-scapes, and floating land masses, I was in awe.

    I am so happy to say, that I STILL have that feeling AFTER beating the game... it's truly stunning. The game is absolutely an Artistic and Conceptual Game Design Showcase...

    I don't think there was ONE thing I didn't like about it...

    Oh, that for the most part it was an Easy game...that was my only "issue".


    Nice! Welcome to the Mario Fan Club. ;-)

    I've just started playing Galaxy and I'm also enjoying it. I'm not really blown away, but I think that has more to do with high expectations than anything else.

    Tuesday 8 January, 2008 by jp
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