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    X-tie's GameLog for Turbo Pizza (PC)

    Sunday 13 January, 2008

    In Turbo Pizza that player controls a young female character who decides to open a pizza shop with her father in an abandoned castle. The player must complete the orders given to her by highly emotional customers in a limited amount of time. Finishing the orders will allow the player to buy items to decorate the shop with as well as buy products to enhance the shop.

    I started this game a few minutes after I woke up, after playing this I was obviously more awake eager to serve as many customers as I could in the game before the time was up. It was like a necessity to serve well in order to buy upgraded version for whatever needed to be upgrade (i.e. ovens, refrigerators, popcorn machine, etc).

    At the beginning of this game, like many other games that start off at level one, it’s easy. But as the continues on you’ll soon find yourself bombarded with customers that slowly then surely become impatient and angry customers that leave after making their order; which is awful if you’ve experienced them leaving right when you are going to give them their order. You will find yourself a little enraged by this, or at least I did, but only to a certain point; their actions can be easily blown off anyway. As long as you made money and reach the goal set for that level it was a whole new slate for the next level.

    Turbo Pizza is a great game to pass the time with when you’re by yourself and it’s an interesting play, especially after accomplishing ever level to see how much money you’ve made and what you can buy with it. The game is simplistic enough to understand. The only thing is you’re competing with time to keep the pizzeria’s ratings high, because when the customer is happy everyone is happy. ^^;


    This was a pretty good entry, I only really have one request, that you proofread your writing before submitting it. I won't mark you down on it, but if I can't understand what you're saying it's going to be a little hard to grade you. Your entry is intriguing, and makes me want to play the game, it looks like fun. I know that it's a small 2-D game, and I've never played it, but I wonder if there's any more that you can put into the game design elements? I like your entry!
    -Chelsea C.(grader)

    Thursday 17 January, 2008 by Dziva
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