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    yami265's GameLog for Turbo Pizza (PC)

    Monday 14 January, 2008

    Game Play Session 2
    After the first game log I realized how certain aspects of the game were incomplete. I felt very annoyed that after I completed the first set of levels, I had to rebuild my exp. for the next set of levels. I was not allowed to use any of the upgraded items. I’ve also notice that talking to another player while playing the game made everything much more difficult because the game needs all your attention.

    As time past the game became more addictive I also found myself waiting to see the new levels I’d unlock, I’m getting closer to opening a new restaurant. This would have a whole new set of decoration, maybe even different kinds of customers. As a player playing a game that does the same thing over and over again in every level it gets irrelevant to go on. But if you don’t have anything to do and you just need to kill some time. This game can be your best bet ^_^.

    As I continued playing the game I found many good aspects not to mention many bad. The good part about this game is the fact that it does not take much though. There are no puzzles or complicated things to read or solve. Like RPG games or sometimes action games. The most challenging part about this game is not to lose a customer. If you happen to lose a customer its hard to beat the level as I have tried. Even though the game play is very consistent it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the customer’s mood. The addictive part about this game is the reward part; once you pass a level you get new items. It makes the player want to know the ending of the game or what else the player could get.

    Now the bad part about this game; you can only achieve a certain amount of upgrades; then it just starts all over again. It would have been nice to keep the upgraded items and just keep on adding it on; Then the game would have been less challenging and possible more addictive. I believe there are about 50 levels in this game. The music in the game is very simple and happy. After playing this game for a decent amount of time, “I could sure go for a pizza”: P.


    This is an acceptable GameLog. It feels a little short, but it seems from your description that there's not much to say about the game, so I can't fault you on that. The analysis was good, and probably about as deep as you could get. One thing I would like a bit more detail on is the gameplay, especially in the first segment. I felt a little confused about how the game worked from reading your log, especially on how the gameplay actually worked, not just your goals or the leveling system. Since it doesn't seem this game fits into a standard category that people are familiar with (RPG, FPS, et cetera) it would be good if you went more in-depth into exactly how it plays and what you do to make your customers happy. Other than that, however, it was fine and what we want.

    -Amy Leek (grader)

    Friday 18 January, 2008 by MarsDragon
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