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    I3loodRaven's GameLog for Fuzion Frenzy (XBX)

    Monday 14 January, 2008

    Fuzion Frenzy is a multi-player game for x-box that includes a series of crazy (but fun) mini-games in which the players face off against each other in a futuristic environment. In the beginning each player must choose either a male or female character to represent them in each game. Then you get to decide from a list of different games what you feel like playing. Each mini-game gives you a description of the controls and its main goal.

    The basic concepts behind each mini-game are similar to those that have been used before, but Fuzion Frenzy puts its own spin on it. For example, one of the games entails zooming around a circular arena while trailing ice behind you. The point is to avoid other people's ice trails and be the last one standing. This idea was taken from the classic game "Snake" which I'm sure everyone has played at least once in their lifetime. I think that using past ideas and spicing them up is an effective strategy, because everyone loves the old classics!!

    My personal favorite mini-game is called Sumo, where the characters roll around in hollow balls on a round platform and attempt to push each other off the sides. As the game progresses, outer layers of the platform break away, making it more difficult to stay on. The last player on the platform wins the game. I played it with one other friend and two computers, but you can have up to four players going head to head. I found that the competitive environment in which you play evokes strong feelings of happiness/frustration/wanting to kick other people's asses, which is why the more times I lost, the more I wanted to play! Fuzion Frenzy is extremely addicting, and its large selection of games allow for zero boredom and endless fun!!!

    The more I played this game, the better I got at it. Once you play through each mini-game a couple times, you get a feel for it and are then able to quickly become a more experienced player. Unlike rhythm based games that take months to get good at, this game is easy for anyone to pick up and be a pro in no time. The game itself isn't really what is difficult. What actually matters is how good your opponents are (aka your friends). Although sometimes the computer characters can be pretty hard to beat, which is why I thought it would be nice if you could change their difficulty settings.

    Fuzion Frenzy doesn't really have a storyline, and considering the type of game it is, having no storyline is quite fitting. Unless it were to have an adventure mode, there is no need for one. It is meant to be a party game, like Mario Party, and I think it definitely pulls that off. The more players you have, the more exciting and challenging it becomes. I definitely enjoyed myself, and I think that people of any age could enjoy it as well.

    I like the way Fuzion Frenzy is set up. Mini-games are always popular, and by having more than 45 of them, there is no way you can get bored!! The futuristic/outer worldly setting adds to its appeal, and gives the game a much more modern feel. The challenges each game presents are doubled, since the difficulties within the level and the other players are both threats to your survival. I like that, because it creates a competition between players and makes it more thrilling.

    The reward system of this game is pretty straightforward. Basically each level has a goal, and for the most part that goal is to simply last longer than your opponents. However, some levels are set up so that you need to collect tokens of some kind, and whoever ends up with the most tokens when the time runs out wins. As you end each game and start a new one, the game keeps track of the amount of times each player has won, so by the time you are done playing you can see who has the most wins. Altogether this game isn't very complex, but its the simplicity of each mini-game that keeps us gamers hooked!


    Very well done gamelog. Your analysis of gameplay and design of a mini-game game is well done. In the future, please create separate gamelog entries.

    ~Sheena Marquez (TA)

    Saturday 19 January, 2008 by SheenaMarquez
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