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    Obsidious's GameLog for Assassin's Creed (360)

    Monday 14 January, 2008

    Assassin's is a simple game that tells a story about a ex-assassin bartender who Is kidnapped by templars who plan to search his mind for an item by making him re-live his ancestors memories. The game requires you to investigate "marks" before killing them. The game also has side quests that allow you to influence the citizens view of you i.e. saving citizens from guards.
    The game has beautiful graphics that work perfectly with the excellent camera that is almost perfect. The only downside to this game is its simplicity and repetitive game which allows the game to literally be played without watching the screen as long as someone tells you the direction to go.
    Combat can be won by holding a single button (block) which makes the player invincible and while "invincible" pressing X rapidly to kill any AI that attacks you, this in combination with an auto lock on means combat can be done without sight.
    However despite this set back, I found Assassin's creed to be an addicting game because of the freedom allowed, reminiscent of GTA. Also the camera with great graphics makes the birds eye views of Jerusalem and leaping assassinations to die for.
    The game I found to lack innovation because of how similar it is to GTA but with swords. But the graphics are so beautiful that Assassin's creed provides what GTA could not, also I personally prefer the Plot. Assassinations with the hidden dagger provide all the reward required to keep a player playing for hours.
    I have yet to finish the game but I am impressed with how much longer this game is that most others.


    Assassin's Creed is designed as an open free playing game where your choices decide how the game plays. I find that the game achieves only marginal success at this goal because side quests have little to no effect on the game and you are not given any choices dealing with the main plot. However the combat system has few flaws beyond being to easy, accidentally throwing knives will be thrown however this is a rare occasion.

    Game play
    I found the distance between cities a little tedious however being given the option to skip from city to city more than makes up for this choice. However the mechanism for climbing/jumping buildings consists of holding two buttons and taping the movement stick, I think the game would be improved if this mechanism was made more difficult or with the option to fall if a mistake is made.

    Tuesday 15 January, 2008 by Obsidious

    Could you please put all the required sections into the entry? i almost missed what you added in the comment section. Pretty good entry, though could you go into a little more detail about the design? Like level design, if that applies? Other than that, good entry.
    -Chelsea C.(grader)

    Thursday 17 January, 2008 by Dziva
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